Pagung is by and by investigating the effect of Russian promulgation and data strategy on Germany at Freie Universität Berlin, where she studied political theory.

Sarah Pagung’s Wikipedia page is absent. Pagung worked at the Robert Bosch Center as a Program Officer, where she co-coordinated the Eastern Partnership and Russia Discussion Group with Johns Hopkins University.

Pagung is as of now investigating the effect of Russian promulgation and data strategy on Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she studied political theory. She is likewise an aide instructor at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she shows European International Relations and Eastern Europe and fills in as a theological college facilitator in an assortment of limits.

DGAP partner individual Sarah Pagung her examination centers around Russian unfamiliar and data strategy, just as Moldovan governmental issues. Pagung was utilized by the Robert Bosch Center as a program official. Pagung is at present chipping away at a Ph.D. on the effect of Russian promulgation and data procedure on Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she studied political theory.

Sarah hasn’t uncovered anything about her own life, so there isn’t a lot of data on her. Her LinkedIn page expresses that she was born in Berlin, Germany. Nonetheless, nobody knows her age since she hasn’t uncovered her introduction to the world date. Besides, in view of her photograph, she gives off an impression of being between the ages of 30-35.

Sarah likewise fills in as an aide speaker at the establishment, showing classes on European international strategy and Eastern Europe. She worked for the European Voluntary Service’s German-Russian trade program in Saint Petersburg, where she worked in youth and grown-up training.

As recently said, Sarah has not given any definite data about her own life, along these lines nobody knows where she was born. She hasn’t shared it via web-based media, yet we can see it on her LinkedIn profile, where she makes reference to the city of Berlin, Germany. Maybe she was born there; we’re watching out for her so we can look into her, and we’ll tell you when we find out additional.

— ZDF heute journal (@heutejournal) December 2, 2021

As recently expressed, there is no nitty gritty data accessible in regards to Sarah. In spite of the fact that we have not had the option to track down point by point data about Sarah’s significant other in the wake of looking through a few sites, we are endeavoring to do as such. Sarah could be dating in private, however she could likewise be concealing her relationship. We will refresh our site with any new realities we find about Sarah’s relationship.